

A place to let the light in…

My name is Laurie. I am a photographer and storyteller.

On the brink of starting our family through adoption, my brother passed away. I found myself lost, fumbling in the dark. The last photo saved in my brother's phone was a picture that simply said "Be the Light." I have learned, sometimes, even in your greatest despair, you can still be a light to others by offering a hand in the darkness that says "I am here. You are not alone." I am not sure where life is headed but I know this is my next step. Creating a space that will welcome those in the dark as well as well as raising our little lights... and sharing it here.

Since creating this little corner on the internet, my husband and I adopted our daughter, Alba. She is pure light.

So WELCOME… to our Little House of Light. COME AS YOU ARE. 

"the arclight burns if we could only let it in" -Justin Dallriva, my dear brother