

Welcome to my blog! I hope you find a little light here!



WE ARE ADOPTING! A few weeks ago, Jon and I began our paperwork for domestic adoption. For those of you that have been following along on our journey and for those that are just joining in, I wanted to give an update.

As some of you know, at the end of 2017, Jon and I decided to pursue embryo adoption. Things were going at a slow pace and then everything changed. In May 2018, my brother, Justin, became very ill. When he passed away in July, I was shattered. We were right in the middle of our fundraising. It began to make sense why everything had been moving so slowly with our embryo adoption. I was thankful to be able to focus on my brother while he was sick and focus on our family and grieving after he passed. Jon attended our already planned fundraiser at the Bluebird the beginning of August and then everything was put on hold. The fundraising stopped. The paperwork and preparation stopped. I did not know when or how we would become parents.

I quickly realized I no longer wanted to do embryo adoption for our first child. I wasn't the same person that walked into our adoption process. After a few months, the one thing we knew.... we wanted to take my brother's last message to "Be the light" and carry that light into the life of a child through domestic or international adoption. We also knew that our child would be such a light for us. But my heart just wasn't ready.

Here we are 9 months later, knee deep in paperwork and soaked in prayer. We have been working with our social worker and consultant. I was trying to wait to announce until we were closer to being matched, but we are needing to start fundraising again. Things will begin to move quickly and domestic adoption costs about 3 times the amount that embryo adoption was going to cost.

We are confident God has led us here and He is making a way. So many things have been divinely orchestrated this time around and we can't wait to become parents. Jon and I believe that adoption is one of the closest pictures we have of the Gospel and are honored to get to experience the love and grace of Christ in this way.

We humbly ask you to join us in our journey through prayer and encouragement. If you are able to give, we will be announcing a few fundraisers in the next several weeks.

Right now you can give to our fundraiser with GoFundMe.

You may also donate to us directly through Paypal to raisingbabydicus@gmail.com Please note that with Paypal we will receive more of your donation because GoFundMe takes a percentage, but you will not be sent anything for your taxes.

Thank you again for all of your prayers and for taking the time to read a bit about our journey. We are honored that God has entrusted us with such a beautiful story that will soon lead to holding our little light, our first child. We want to express a huge thanks for your friendship and love. Your support is truly humbling.

Scroll for a few more pictures.

Love + Light,


A Day in Palm Springs

A Day in Palm Springs

Hard to Kill Houseplants

Hard to Kill Houseplants